What Happens Next?

Thank you for entrusting Home Disaster Medics with your emergency; it is our goal to serve and care for you in this time of need and to keep the lines of communication open so that we can get your home back to health as quickly as possible!


Our technician will arrive soon, before he arrives you can review the next steps and prepare yourself for any questions you may have for us.


If you have not already reached out to your insurance and filed a claim and to see if your incident is covered please do so now.

Step 1:
The first step will be to conduct a site and safety analysis so that we can see where the problem started, gain an initial scope of its coverage and the potential hazards to health and safety. Once we have done an initial evaluation we will work with you to develop a plan for minimizing any further damage and cleaning up the damage that has already occurred.

Step 2:
Once we have discussed the plan we will need a signed work authorization which the technician will go over with you to allow us to begin placing equipment and taking initial steps to stop any further damage. Note that this will only cover the initial scope of work. As we potentially discover more extensive damage or when it is time to restore your home, we will come back to you with a detailed plan for your approval.

Step 3:
After a plan has been laid out our technician will reach out to the insurance adjuster, once one is assigned to the project, to inform them of the plan for mitigating the loss and answer any questions  you or the adjuster may have before proceeding into demolition or larger invasive steps.

about us

Here are some things to remember!

We work for you, not the insurance company! This means that you ultimately approve our work and our processes and sign off on all that we have done. This empowers you to receive the care you want and let us provide the quality and thorough work that we pride ourselves in.

You are ultimately responsible for the cost of the work we perform, and we specialize in accurate and detailed reports and processes to streamline your insurance claim. We know the insurance claims process inside and out to help make sure that your insurance covers the cost.

As we walk through the process, please reach out to your insurance agent and make sure you keep open lines of communication and we will do our best to restore your home quickly and with as little down time as possible.

We will ask for a credit card to put on file along with the work authorization form and this is to cover the initial emergency call cost of $150. Once the work is complete we will credit that back upon receiving the final payment. Typically we will receive final payment from the insurance company, but every claim gets handled differently.